

Isaiah 66:23 KJV - And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. 

Pope Decrees Sunday Universal Day of Rest

Pope Decrees Sunday Universal Day of Rest

Advocating for Sunday to be protected as a day of relaxation, the Pope argues that the abandonment of this tradition negatively affects families and friendships, and questions whether working on Sundays truly represents freedom. This article explores the Pope’s defence…

The Catholic Mirror September 23 1893

the catholic mirror september 23 1893

“The Catholic church for over one thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday… The Protestant World at its birth found the Christian Sabbath too strongly entrenched…

Catholic Quotes on Changing Sabbath

catholic quotes on changing the sabbath

In this post, we share some Catholic quotes on changing the Sabbath day! Explore a collection of quotes from various sources! Also see “Who Changed the Sabbath Day to Sunday?” References – Catholic Church claims authority to change Sabbath…

Free Happy Sabbath Gifs To Share

Happy Sabbath Gifs

Inspirational Happy Sabbath Gifs collection to share and download! Free Happy Sabbath GIF Animated! Explore our collection of animated gifs and share the best image with your loved ones! The Sabbath Day is special because God has blessed the seventh…

Happy Sabbath Images With Flowers

happy sabbath images with flowers

Explore our collection of Happy Sabbath Images with Flowers and share them with your loved ones! Enjoy the beauty of flowers made by the Greatest Artist – God! Bible Studies – The Days of Noah (Video Format) Bible Studies – Written Format

Sabbath Rules in Jesus Day

sabbath rules in jesus day

The Pharisees, known for their strict adherence to religious traditions, accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath commandment. But were these accusations justified, or did they stem from a misunderstanding of the true purpose of the Sabbath? Join us as we…

Scripture for Saturday

scripture for saturday

What is a good Bible verse for Saturday? There are multiple verses in the Bible for Saturday, or the Sabbath. Genesis 2:2-3  And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the…

Bible Verses About the Sabbath

bible verses about the sabbath

Let’s explore together Bible verses about the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the day of rest God created after the six literal creation days. It is the fourth commandment of God, and it was made for everyone. The Sabbath is also…

Sabbath Sunday and the New Covenant

Sabbath Sunday and the New Covenant

Is the Sabbath still required to be kept in the New Covenant? And has the Sabbath been changed to Sunday? In this article, we’ll explore what the Bible says about the Sabbath and the New Covenant.  If we want to…

Sunday is not the Bible Sabbath

sunday is not the bible sabbath

The true Sabbath was not replaced with Sunday in one go, instead this change took time.  Satan worked through unconsecrated leaders to tamper with the Sabbath, replacing it with Sunday, a festival observed by pagans.  At first, Christians continued to…

Mormon Sabbath Saturday or Sunday?

mormon sabbath saturday or sunday

Is the Mormon Sabbath Saturday or Sunday? The members of the Mormon Church also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints celebrate Sunday in memorial of Jesus’ resurrection on the first day of the week. They think…

Sabbath vs Sunday Debate

sabbath vs sunday debate

You often hear that Sunday is the new day of rest, the new Sabbath. Because Jesus Christ rose on that day, then we must honour that day as being holy.  On the other hand, no Bible verses support the teaching…

Is Sunday the Sabbath Catholic?

is sunday the sabbath catholic

There is only one true Sabbath in the Bible. It is the seventh day of the week, Saturday.  The Bible does not support nor endorse the worshipping on Sunday.  God did not change His Holy Law, but man has done…

Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath?

is sunday the christian sabbath

Sunday is not the Christian Sabbath. We do not have any Bible reference to support this claim. The Sabbath never changed. It is still on the seventh day, Saturday as it always was. We find Jesus honouring the Sabbath while…

Which is Sabbath Sunday or Saturday?

which is sabbath sunday or saturday

The Sabbath is on Saturday according to the Bible, or the seventh day of the week.  Even though many Christians are honoring Sunday today, it does not have any biblical support.  The Sabbath was established by God after the creation…

Pharisees Sabbath Rules

Pharisees Sabbath Rules

The Pharisees Sabbath rules are different from what we find in the Bible. God created the Sabbath to be a blessing for humanity. Unfortunately, the Jewish rulers expanded on this commandment, and added many man-made traditions to it, making it…

What are the Catholic Sabbath Rules?

catholic sabbath rules

When exploring the practices and beliefs surrounding the observance of the Sabbath in the Catholic Church, one question arises: what are the Catholic Sabbath rules? The Catholic Sabbath is called the “Lord’s Day”, they say it holds great significance as…

Sunday Is the Seventh Day of the Week?

sunday is the seventh day of the week

Is Sunday the seventh day of the week? If true, what evidence there is to confirm this statement?  Is that important to know exactly which is the seventh day of the week?  The Bible states that God blessed the seventh…