Category Bible Sabbath

Year of Sabbath Rest in the Bible

Year of Sabbath Rest in the Bible

The Sabbath year in the Bible was an ordinance for the children of Israel once they entered the promised land. For six years they had to sow their field, prune their vineyards, and gather the fruit. (Leviticus 25:1-3) But the…

Bible Verses About the Sabbath

bible verses about the sabbath

Let’s explore together Bible verses about the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the day of rest God created after the six literal creation days. It is the fourth commandment of God, and it was made for everyone. The Sabbath is also…

Scripture for Saturday

scripture for saturday

What is a good Bible verse for Saturday? There are multiple verses in the Bible for Saturday, or the Sabbath. Genesis 2:2-3  And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the…