The Sabbath year in the Bible was an ordinance for the children of Israel once they entered the promised land.
For six years they had to sow their field, prune their vineyards, and gather the fruit. (Leviticus 25:1-3)
But the seventh year was a sabbath for the land. They could not sow the field nor prune the vineyards. (Leviticus 25:4)
The Sabbath year along with the Jubilee Year and others were part of the ordinances that were nailed at the cross. (Ephesians 2:15)
Difference between the Sabbath and the Sabbath Year
The Sabbath year or Sabbatical year is not to be confused with the seventh day Sabbath, the fourth commandment.
The Sabbath was created after the six literal creation days, and God blessed this day and sanctified it. (Genesis 2:2-3)
The Sabbath is part of the Ten Commandments written in stone by God Himself. (Exodus 20:8-11, 31:18).
The Sabbath was always mandatory for everyone, and not only for the Jewish people. (Mark 2:27)
Jesus kept it, the apostles and other faithful Christians. (Luke 4:16, Acts 13:42,44, 16:13, 17:2, 18:4)
Everyone on the New Earth will also keep the Sabbath. (Isaiah 66:23)
However, the Sabbatical year was instituted after the Exodus, once they were to enter in the promised land, Canaan. (Leviticus 25:1-7)
The Sabbath year along with the Year of Jubilee and other feasts were part of the Jewish feasts.
We are not to confuse the Ten Commandments with the Jewish feasts.
The Sabbath was already established before they entered into the promised land.
Annual Sabbaths only for the Residents of Canaan
The Sabbath of the Lord was made for everyone, but the annual sabbaths were only for those living in Canaan.
The Sabbath was a weekly reminder of God’s creative powers, and the Sabbatical years were annual connected with the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt.
There is a clear difference between the Sabbath of the seventh day and the feasts and their associated sabbaths.
They were nailed at the cross and no longer needed to be kept today.
However, the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is still available today as the other nine commandments.
What is the difference between the sabbath year and the year of Jubilee?
The Sabbath year and the year of Jubilee in the context of Leviticus 25 serve different purposes and occur at different intervals.
The Sabbath year, which occurred every seventh year, was primarily a time of rest for the land.
During this year, the land was to lie fallow, meaning that no agricultural work was to be done, allowing the soil to recover and regenerate.
In contrast, the year of Jubilee occurs every fiftieth year, after seven cycles of seven years (seven Sabbaths of years). The Jubilee encompasses the principles of the Sabbath year but expands upon them significantly.
It is a time of liberation and restoration, where not only is the land allowed to rest, but also a series of social and economic resets take place. In the Jubilee year, debts are forgiven, Israelite slaves are set free, and land is returned to its original owners or their descendants.
This highlights a vision of economic justice and community restoration, ensuring that individuals who may have fallen on hard times can reclaim their heritage and dignity.
In summary, while both the Sabbath year and the year of Jubilee emphasize rest and renewal, the Sabbath year is focused on the land’s recovery, whereas the Jubilee year incorporates broader themes of liberation, justice, and the restoration of community ties.
My Letter To A Sunday Keeper – Sabbath Documentary

The Days of Noah – Powerful Documentary (Video Format)

Bible Studies – Written Format