the Catholic Record September 1 1923

The Catholic Record September 1, 1923

On the 1st of September 1923, in The Catholic Record newspaper on page 4, appeared an article with certain statements about the Sabbath. 

No matter how many arguments these people seem to have, they can never prove from the Bible that the Sabbath was changed. 

Instead, statements like “the Church is above the Bible”, and the uplift of the traditions of man, are their arguments.

If we do not build our faith on a solid foundation from the Word of God, what trust can we have in people who always contradict themselves?

Therefore, it is always the best way to follow the Bible and only the Bible! That is if you want to follow Jesus and His truth.

Origins and Background

You can understand the origins and background of the controversy over Sabbath observance by examining the historical context provided in the article.

The article, published in The Catholic Record on September 1, 1923, sheds light on the ongoing debate surrounding Sabbath observance in London.

It highlights the proposal to allow children to use the municipal swimming pool during hot weather, which was met with a ministerial protest.

Rev. J. Marion Smith of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Toronto argued that Sabbath observance is not a Christian duty, quoting St. Paul and asserting that the old Mosaic law is no longer relevant.

His statement, reported in the London Free Press and the Toronto Star, clarifies that Sabbath is not Sunday, but Sunday should be observed for worship and rest.

The article also delves into the historical roots of Sabbath observance.

It mentions the influence of Puritanism on the strict observance of the Lord’s Day in England and Scotland.

The Council of Laodicea and the Council of Orleans are referenced in relation to Sabbath observance, suggesting that this debate has been ongoing for centuries.

Additionally, the article questions the authority of the Bible regarding the change from Saturday to Sunday as the designated day of worship.

It argues that the Catholic Church has the authority to make such changes.

Overall, the article provides a historical perspective on the controversy of Sabbath observance, shedding light on the origins and background of the ongoing debate.

Religious Arguments

Consider the religious arguments presented by Rev. J. Marion Smith regarding the importance of Sabbath observance and the authority of the Catholic Church to change it.

In his declaration, Rev. Smith asserts that Sabbath observance is not a Christian duty, quoting St. Paul and arguing that the old Mosaic law is no longer relevant. 

It’s true that the ceremonial laws have been nailed to the cross! But the seventh day Sabbath is part of the moral law and not the ceremonial laws.

Some ceremonial laws are also called sabbaths but they are totally different than the seventh day Sabbath from the 10 commandments, the moral law!

He distinguishes between the “Jewish Sabbath” and the Christian Sunday, considering them as separate institutions.

Sabbath only for the Jewish or for everyone?

The term Jewish Sabbath does not exist in the Bible. The Sabbath was made for mankind according to Mark 2:27, and not only for the Jewish nation. See also Genesis 2:2-3.

While he acknowledges the importance of strict observance of the Lord’s Day in Canada, he criticizes Protestant principles for not explaining the substitution of Sunday for the “Jewish Sabbath.” 

Rev. Smith questions the authority of the Bible in regard to the change from Saturday to Sunday, suggesting that it is the Catholic Church that has the authority to change Sabbath observance.

Nowhere in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation do we have a commandment to keep Sunday holy! 

This is simply a tradition of Rome, and is not from Jesus nor from the Bible!

He also mentions the Council of Laodicea and the Council of Orleans in relation to Sabbath observance adding historical context to the debate.

Impact on Society

Rev. J. Marion Smith’s arguments challenging traditional understandings of Sabbath observance have sparked a thought-provoking discussion on the authority of the Catholic Church and its impact on society. 

His statement has been widely reported in newspapers such as the London Free Press and the Toronto Star. Smith asserts that Sabbath observance is not a Christian duty and quotes St. Paul to support his argument. 

These assertions raise questions about the authority of the Bible and the role of the Catholic Church in changing Sabbath observance.


It is a dangerous thing to put away the Bible and to follow the tradition of man. If we really want to follow Jesus and His teachings, we need to search diligently the Scriptures!

We will all be judged based on the moral law of God, the Ten Commandments! And the Sabbath is the fourth commandment!

It is the sign that makes God the Creator and Redeemer of mankind! (Exodus 20:8-11), (Ezekiel 20:12).

Jesus kept the Sabbath, the apostles also kept it, and never do we find a commandment to honor Sunday in the Holy Word of God!

In the end, it all comes down to our decision – do we follow God’s commandments or man’s traditions?

I will end with the following verses:

John 14:15  If ye love me, keep my commandments. 

1 John 2:4  He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 

Isaiah 66:23  And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. 

Matthew 5:17  Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 

Matthew 5:18  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 


The Catholic Record – London, Canada, Saturday, September 1, 1923

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