

Who Are We?

Sabbath Facts is a non-profit Christian ministry that has the goal of restoring the truth and importance of the seventh day Sabbath with the help & evidence from the Holy Scriptures.

Because the Sabbath is the fourth commandment we think is very important to research this subject right with the help of the Bible. Unfortunately, the majority of Churches have forgotten the only commandment that starts with the word “remember”.

Our goal is for you, the reader, to find enough compelling evidence on this website about this misunderstood & important subject!

By the grace of God, we are going to break down every subtopic about the Sabbath to make sure we cover every question you may have!

We Are A Non Profit Organization

This ministry is a non-profit organization. If you would like to support us and this work to reach as many people as possible, you can do so by sharing the articles and information you find here with your loved ones, and your friends! 

We are not affiliated with Amazing Facts or other ministries that we link to from this website, however, we do respect & recommend them because their teachings are based on the Bible as far as we personally researched!

We would also like to state that our teachings are based on the doctrines of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church!

The 7th Day Sabbath - A Gift From God

The 7th day Sabbath is a gift from our Creator. From the moment it was given (after the literal creation days – see Genesis 2:2-3), all the way into eternity according to Isaiah 66:22-23 the Sabbath will be kept and celebrated forever! 

My Letter To A Sunday Keeper” breaks down all the Bible verses about the Sabbath and explains them in such a way that you won’t have any more doubts on which day is the Sabbath! 

Join the Movement

Join us in spreading the truth about the Sabbath

If you discover that what you are learning on this website is according to the Word of God, help us in spreading the truth by sharing it with your friends, and family, or on social media so that many could see and understand the truth and importance of the Sabbath!